Online, Remote Workshops
For over 10 years, The Little Animation Studio (TLAS) has led art and film making lessons in student’s homes. We structured our business and curriculum around the creative challenge of transforming new and unconventional environments into art and film studios with our students’ specific goals and objectives in mind.
Whether we are animating on bookshelves, kitchen tables or using couches as props: the home landscape is one in which we see infinite potential.
TLAS is now offering a set of remote learning opportunities that are designed around your unique home environment, access to art materials and technology and learning objectives.
Offered 100% online, we begin with a digital consultation to evaluate how best to set up a studio in your home in order to allow for maximum creativity in a safe, comfortable and clean environment. Once the studio has been prepped and materials have been organized, students will engage in a series of hands-on, guided lessons that serve as a crash-course in making art and in creating stop motion animation films in-home.
*For homes with limited access to art materials, we have included lessons on how-to make your own paint, glue and clay!
Week to week, we will explore principles and techniques through projects that build-on and refine this new knowledge and can customize curriculum just for you.
Set up a film and art making studio in your home today!